The Guardian 1-in-3 Campaign Launch
In February 2019 the Guardian launched their 1-in-3 campaign across their social media.

In February 2019 the Guardian launched their 1-in-3 campaign across their social media. Our objective was to garner views on the key video that would translate into downloads of the app – the major ROI for our client.
We were involved in the preproduction and the creative direction on the day. On a Saturday at the end of November 2018, we were fortunate to have had the support of the studio in Station Drive, giving us full access for the day.
Tyrone Marcus as cinematographer and camera operator, Stephen directed the look and feel plus made sure the script from The Guardian team was run through with the actors and everyone was comfortable with the sensitive message. Portraying victims of violence and abuse is not something to be taken lightly.
One in three children in South Africa are victims of childhood sexual abuse.
The preproduction with the Guardian meant that everyone had a clear idea of what the end product would be, so with minor edit changes, Tyrone was able to put the finishing touches to the colour grade and graphics.
3 Key objectives were identified with this campaign:
- ROI: Download the Guardian App
- Audience: Parents (parents motivating their schools to join the Guardian and their kids to download the app)
- Platform: Facebook (parents and ages 25-44)
As this was the first major campaign run by The Guardian, audience data and engagements were valuable in informing any changes needed to be made day by day, week by week to fully capitalize on results.
We look forward to this ongoing campaign and it’s important message.

Find out about The Guardian's "Speak Out" campaign launch.